Basic RDF Data Model (Terms & Quads)
Dataset extending the basic Data Model
Quad stream processing
Query execution in RDF
A website that documents, demos and reviews a selection of JavaScript libraries and how they can be used to manage RDF graphs
An embedded and persistent graph database for JS runtimes (incl. browsers) supporting SPARQL queries and RDF/JS interfaces
Store Sink SourceA collection of RDF libraries for JavaScript developers with a focus on performance and usability.
DataFactory Dataset Source SinkComunica is a highly modular and flexible meta query engine for the Web.
DataFactory SourceA fast and lightweight streaming JSON-LD parser for JavaScript.
DataFactory SinkA simple, lightweight module to send queries to SPARQL endpoints and retrieve their results in a streaming fashion.
DataFactoryA fast and lightweight streaming JSON-LD serializer for JavaScript.
DataFactory StreamA fast and lightweight streaming Microdata to RDF parser for JavaScript.
DataFactory SinkWrappers of @rdfjs/namespace for common vocabularies. Includes Typescript declarations of vocabulary terms extracted from their respective sources
DataFactoryA browser-friendly set of sinks (parsers and serializers) for common RDF formats
SinkA browser-friendly set of sinks, with serializers optimized for pretty output
SinkWeb components for editing RDF
High level graph traversal library
Work with SHACL Property Paths using clownface
Bundle RDF documents statically using webpack, without requiring parsers in runtime
DataFactoryLibrary & registry for UI components tied to SHACL shapes, with automatic data validation
DataFactoryExpress middleware for working with RDF payloads using clownface
Express middleware for validating RDF payloads with SHACL
Grapoi is a JavaScript graph traversal library inspired by Gremlin. It allows querying RDF/JS Datasets readable and intuitive way. Grapoi makes processing RDF data in JavaScript fun again.
Contains an RDF dataset about people, places, and events of the TV series House.
RDF-Ext is a JavaScript library that extends the RDF/JS specs to handle RDF data in a developer-friendly way.
DataFactory DatasetCoreFactory Sink Streamrdf-sparql-builder helps building SPARQL queries in JavaScript code. Instead of error-prone string concatenations, method chaining allows writing queries without switching the programming language. The RDF/JS data model is used for terms like named nodes and variables.
A fast SHACL engine for data provided as RDF/JS objects.
This package provides a flexible RDF/JS factory. The Environment class takes one or more RDF/JS factory classes and creates a new, merged instance. All factory methods will use the Environment instance as factory to create new object instances. Clones can be created to manipulate an instance isolated from other instances.
The @rdfjs/express-handler middleware provides methods to parse incoming RDF data from request with content like POST or PUT requests. It also provides methods to serialize outgoing RDF data.
StreamWrapper for fetch to simplify sending and retrieving RDF data. This is a light version of the @rdfjs/fetch package, without the @rdfjs/formats-common dependency. It is useful when you want to make a build for the browser with a reduced set of parsers and serializers.
StreamThis module bundles parsers and serializers for the most common RDF formats. Instances of SinkMap are used to handle different media types.
Sink StreamNamed Node builder.
RDF Dataset Normalization as described in the spec from the Credentials W3C community group. Subtitle is "A Standard RDF Dataset Normalization Algorithm".
JSON-LD parser that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface using jsonld-streaming-parser.
Sink StreamN3 parser which implements the RDF/JS Sink interface using the N3.js library.
Sink StreamA Map for RDF/JS prefixes. This package implements the JavaScript Map interface for RDF prefixes. Key-Value pairs are stored with the prefix as the key as a string and the namespaces as the value in an RDF/JS NamedNode object. There are some additional convenience methods to handle CURIEs and prefix events of RDF/JS Quad streams.
Scores RDF/JS terms inside a dataset
JSON-LD serializer that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface and supports different output styles. This package handles the stream processing and uses jsonld.js for the actual serialization process.
Sink StreamN-Triples serializer that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface.
RDF/JS JavaScript code serializer that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface. It serializes the given quads to a JavaScript module that exports a single function. The created function will return an array of the re-created quads.
Sink StreamA Turtle serializer that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface. It serializes the given quads to a pretty-printed Turtle string.
Sink StreamMap for RDF/JS Sink including shortcut methods.
Creates a duplex wrapper for RDF/JS Sink. With the duplex wrapper it's possible to use a RDF/JS Sink like a Node.js duplex stream with a Readable and Writable interface.
StreamA Map for RDF/JS Terms keys. This package implements the JavaScript Map interface exclusively for RDF/JS Terms keys and treats Terms with the same N-Triples representation as they are the same object.
A Set for RDF/JS Terms. This package implements the JavaScript Set interface exclusively for RDF/JS Terms and treats Terms with the same N-Triples representation as they are the same object.
Converts RDF/JS Terms, Quads and Datasets to N-Triple strings.
This package provides a generic traverser for RDF/JS Datasets.
A tree structure for a set of RDF/JS Quads.
Helpers to simplify testing code which uses RDF/JS data models.
Linting rules for RDF/JS projects